Well Hello there my lovely Cakey Peeps.

I’m Riann and I'm the Founder and Chief Cake Cheerleader here at Bakery & Cakery.

One of my great loves in life is baking. A passion bestowed upon me by my wonderful Nana, Mum and Aunt. Not a week would go by in my childhood where my Nana wasn’t baking something for somebody she loved. And my Mum and Aunt Mary would giggle, plot and plan to make super show stopper birthday cakes for me and my cousins.

Throughout my professional career, I have had a number of roles, Account and Business Developer, Project Manager, Business Strategist and most recently dishing out Social Media, Content and Marketing advise as the owner of my own Content Marketing Consultancy.

I have worked mainly for technology firms and alongside Marketing and Creative agencies, with a few high street fashion brands thrown in for fun. That may sound like I’m a bit of a jack of all trades but in truth, everything I have ever done for a living has had a common theme.

I have always worked in support of the efforts of creative people. As a Project Manager or Consultant my work always meant that people doing design or development could have an easier path to getting great work done.

I specialise in helping businesses become more efficient, more noticed and ultimately more profitable.


Would you like to be more efficient, have more clients and actually make a living making cakes? I may just be the perfect person to help you. 


Over the last few years, I have combined my great loves and have been writing a blog about baking. Quite by accident it also became a blog that helped Home Cake Makers and Bakeries with their pricing, business processes and marketing.

I see the same problems in my cakey community that I have seen in the corporate world. Creative people's work is consistently undervalued. Prices are driven down because it's "just" a graphic or "just" cake. People want the end result and it's benefits, but they don’t want to pay for it.

Creative people, meanwhile, are busy over delivering, working until the wee hours of the morning and agonising over every design choice, every ‘flaw’. They are costing their business money by not utilising their time well and not finding the right kind of clients for their standard and style.

I want to take my project, business and marketing 'recipe' which has helped big international companies become more efficient, better known and more profitable and help Home Bakers and Custom Cake Makers bake for success!!
